Archive 2020




13.55hLogin participants
14.00hOpening by the host
mr. Weijer VerLoren van Themaat, lawyer at Houthoff
14.10hAttitudes and drivers towards (the control of) big tech. Comparative perspectives.

Paneldiscussion with:
prof. Nicolas Petit, Professor of Competition Law at European University Institute
dr. Paul de Bijl, Radicand Economics

(The keynote speech and discussion will be held in English)
15.25hDutch competition law rulings past year
mr. Ruben Elkerbout, lawyer Stek
mr. Kees Hellingman, senior legal counsel ACM
16.15hThesis award 2020
The three nominees will give an elevator pitch about their thesis and the chairman of the jury, mr. Herman Speyart, will announce the winner.
16.30hInterview with mr. Martijn Snoep, chairman of the board of ACM.
The host and Martijn Snoep will reflect on the themes of the day and discuss the important topics of the ACM.


Click here for the slides of Paul de Bijl.

Click here for the slides of Ruben Elkerbout.

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