
Stichting Ontwikkelingen Mededingingsrecht was founded by Weyer VerLoren van Themaat in 2017. The Foundation organises the annual Competition Law Conference and awards the Master’s Thesis Prize. In 2020, the year of the COVID-19 pandemic, it will host a series of webinars as well.

The Foundation’s goal is to raise awareness of competition law and competition policy developments in the Netherlands, and to provide a forum for discussion and commentary. One of the ways in which the Foundation pursues this objective is by organising an annual conference.

The Foundation is a non-profit organisation. All revenues go towards furthering its objectives. The members of the board are not remunerated for their work.

The events organised by the Foundation continue a series of annual competition law conferences that Weyer VerLoren van Themaat started in 2003. The purpose of these conferences is to promote active debate about topical issues relating to Dutch competition law between the various actors involved in competition law, including the legislature, supervisory authorities, the judiciary, in-house counsel, lawyers, economists and academics.

The members of the board are:

General information:
Stichting Ontwikkelingen Mededingingsrecht
Bloemendaalseweg 190
2051GL Overveen
BTW: NL857632930B01
K.v.K.: 68884788

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